EARLY VOTING begins in WAUSAU area

Voters in Wausau area municipalities already are casting their ballots, six weeks before the November election.

Previously, in-person early voting was permitted for just two weeks prior to an election. But a federal court ruling struck down laws that restricted absentee voting—which also applies to early in-person voting. That leaves the decision of when to allow early balloting up to individual municipalities.

Wausau City Clerk Toni Rayala

Wausau City Clerk Toni Rayala

Early voting began Sept. 23 in Wausau, says City Clerk Toni Rayala. Rib Mountain, Rothschild, Schofield and Kronenwetter also began accepting ballots this week. Early voting in the village of Weston was to begin Oct. 3, but is being accepted now during regular business hours because the ballots are ready.

“Wausau is the second earliest in the state, behind Wisconsin Rapids,” Rayala says. “The more voters who trickle in early, the easier things will be for us on election night.”

So far, more than 60 Wausau residents have voted, Rayala says.

RELATED: Government offices and elections

Early ballots are cast at your local municipal hall. A photo ID is required. Residents who have not yet registered to vote, or those who have moved or changed their name since the last election, can register in person up until Nov. 4. Voters must also re-register if more than four years have passed since casting a ballot.

State law prohibits voter registration the Saturday, Sunday, and Monday before an election, but voters may still register at the polls on election day.