Elected officials

Local elected officials

Wausau City Council

Mayor Katie Rosenberg  City Hall, 715-261-6800

Pat Peckham (Dist. 1) 1618 Emerson St., 715-845-1396

Michael Martens (2) 1228 Arthur St., 715-845-4218

Tom Kilian (3) 133 E. Thomas St., 715-571-8108

Tom Neal (4) 916 Hamilton St., 715-573-6042

Jim Wadinski (5) 1130 Brown St., 715-848-3821

Becky McElhaney (6, council president) 3839 Woodland Ridge Rd., 715-581-3762

Lisa Rasmussen (7) 1310 Crescent Dr., 715-675-4872

Sarah Watson (8) 412 N. 5th Ave., 715-204-9865

Dawn Herbst (9) 2809 Springdale Ave., 715-842-8347

Lou Larson (10) 904 S. 21st Pl., 715-574-7099

Deb Ryan (11) 702 Elm St., 715-803-4909

Schofield City Council

Mayor Kregg Hoehn  2004 Volkman St., 715-573-0263

Kristin Conway (Ward 1)  205 Radtke St., 715-370-0269

Michael Steele (1) 205 Radtke St., 715-370-7787

Joan Joss (2) 513 Ridgeland Ave., 715-359-3524

Jeff Pansch (2) 403 Moreland Ave., 715-212-1006

Scott Dunst (3) 1500 Grand Ave., 715-359-3594

Dennis Richmond (3) 1425 Park Dr., 715-359-7575

Kari Carroll (4) 2115 Edgewood Dr., 715-359-0205

Andrew Brown (4) 1906 Edgewood Dr., 612-940-0412

Kronenwetter Board of Trustees

Chris Voll, president, 1944 Plantation Lane, 715-359-1931

Christopher Eiden,1971 Rollingwood Rd., 715-570-3075

Ken Charneski, 2604 16th Rd., 715-310-3572

Dan Lesniak, 816 Spring Rd., 715-432-6294

Jason Holmes, 2249 Blue Sky Way, 715-551-5938

Joel Straub, 715-693-4944

Kim Tapper,  715-355-1905  

Village of Weston Board of Trustees

Mark Maloney, President, 5207 Riverfront Place, 715-410-2756

Barbara Ermeling, 5909 Willard Lane, 715-359-4365

Nathan Fiene, 6412 Kirk St., 715-432-6791

Loren White, 3507 S. Krueger Ave., 715-571-3904

Hooshang Zeyghami, 5306 DJ Lane, 715-359-5145

Yee Leng Xiong 4809 Augustine Ave., 715-348-6214

Steve Meinel, 8303 Alderson Street, 715-383-9570

Town of Weston Board of Supervisors

Milton Olson, chair, 163315 Townline Rd., 715-842-5397

Thomas Salzman, 227521 Lahr Ave., 715-581-1447

Tom Costa, 227012 Hwy. J, 715-551-1199

Jim King, 162980 Gusman Rd, 715-573-4219 

Dave Phelps, 163130 Ross Ave, 715-574-9622

Robin Huempfner, 5209 Mesker St, 715-241-8209

Town Clerk/Treasurer, Robin Huempfner, 5209 Meskar St., 715-241-8209, [email protected]

Mosinee City Council

Mayor Brent Jacobson, 792 Fairway Dr., 715-693-2275

Mark Gewiss (Ward 1) 302 4th Street, 715-693-4055

Nelson Pasha, Jr. (2) 1023 Western Ave., 715-571-0779

Robert Stephens(3) 615 Oak Park Circle, 715-297-0053

Tom Helbach (4) 911 Ninth St., 715-571-1102

Peter Nievinski (5) 1209 Edgewood Dr., 715-693-6142

Doug Mielke (6 & 7) 1026 Old Hwy 51, 715-693-2609

Town of Rib Mountain Board of Supervisors

Allen Opall, chairman, 150250 Thunderbird Lane, 715-845-5618

Fred Schaefer 225180 Blazing Star, 715-355-8899

Gerry Klein 150902 Lavender Lane, 715-842-0983

Dan Fiorenza 151412 Snowflake Lane

Brad Conklin 151090 Marigold Road, 715-218-5822

Village of Rothschild Board of Trustees

Gary Olsen, Administrator

George Peterson, president, 7808 Center St., 715-393-5054

Craig McEwen 7345 Whitespire Rd. #2, 715-551-0748

Bill Schremp 1002 Urban St., 715-581-2674

Dan Mortensen 8816 Brian Dr., 715-359-8748

Deb Ehster 500 Clark Ave., 715-697-0592

Paul Kennedy 2001 Fawn Ave. 715-340-2413

Rex Zemke 1805 Fawn Ave. 715-571-5424

Village of Maine 

Betty Hoenisch, President, 715-675-5607

Cindy Bailey, Clerk, 715-675-5607

Tad Schult, 715-571-4924

Wes Schoepke, 715-581-0030

Tom Mullaley, 715-559-4475

Jon Graveen, 715-574-1267

Marathon Co. Board of Supervisors

Michelle Van Krey (Dist. 1) 2413 Oakwood Blvd., Wausau, 706-564-2915 (c), [email protected]

Jennifer Bizzotto (2)  1118 S. 12th St, Wausau, 248-635-4232  (c), [email protected]

William Harris (3)  316 1/2 N. 3rd St. #C, Wausau, 715-803-4018 (c), [email protected]

John Robinson (4)  1226 Highland Court, Wausau, 715-212-2227 (c), [email protected]

Ka Lo (5)  620 1/2 Lincoln Ave., Wausau, 715-803-5933 (c), [email protected]

Jeff Johnson (6)  4522 Forest Valley Road, Wausau, 715-581-9165 (c), [email protected]

Becky Buch (7) 1721 N. 2nd Ave., Wausau, 715-393-9911 (c), [email protected]

Kelley Gabor (8)  431 N. 7th Ave., Wausau, 715-551-9567 (h), [email protected]

Dave Oberbeck (9)  110 A. 36th Ave., Wausau, 715-843-5639 (h), [email protected]

Donna Krause (10)  1036 S. 4th Ave., Wausau, 715-302-3851, [email protected]

Alyson Leahy (11)  112 N. 12th Ave., Wausau, 715-218-0194, [email protected]

Arnold Schlei (12)  237654 Trappers Lane, Wausau, 715-842-4718 (h), [email protected]

Matthew Bootz (13)  244425 County Road WW, Wausau, 715-323-8010, [email protected]

Rick Seefeldt (14)  183466 County Road II, Eland, 715-454-6831 (h), 715-571-0777 (c) [email protected]

Randy Fifrick (15)  1555 Greenwood Dr., Kronenwetter, 920-286-2119 (c), [email protected]

Bill Conway (16)  222 Radtke St., Schofield, 715-470-2253,  [email protected]

E.J. Stark (17)  8006 Southridge Dr., Rothschild, 715-241-9718 (h), 715-551-8984 (c) [email protected]

Craig McEwen (18)  7345 Whitespire Rd., Schofield, 715-355-1325 (h), 715-551-0748 (c), [email protected]

Yee Leng Xiong (19)  4809 Augustine Ave., Weston, 715-348-6214 (c), [email protected]

Sara Guild (20)  5702 Pine Terrace, Weston, 715-370-8072, [email protected]

Thomas Rosenberg (21) 6315 Alta Verde St., Weston, 715-359-5221 (h) [email protected]

Alan Christensen (22)  169488 River Road, Ringle, 715-446-3817 (h), 715-573-6956 (c) [email protected]

Chris Voll (23)  1944 Plantation Lane, Kronenwetter, 715-359-1931 (h), 715-409-6623 (c), [email protected]

Jean Maszk (24)  277 Old Hwy. 51, Mosinee, 715-693-6045 (h), [email protected]

Sandi Cihlar (25)  203083 Bergen Rd., Mosinee, 715-475-2422 (h), [email protected]

Brent Jacobson (26)  792 Fairway Drive, Mosinee, 715-203-3588, [email protected]

Thomas R. Seubert (27) 206308 County Road M, Stratford, 715-407-4282 (c), [email protected]

Dennis Gonnering (28) 105205 Karau Ave., Marshfield, 715-659-5395 (h), [email protected]

Chris Dickinson (29) 212205 City View Drive, Stratford, 715-323-8457, [email protected]

Richard Gumz (30)  104844 CTH A, Dorchester, 715-654-5620 (h), [email protected]

Allen Drabek (31)  116455 Chesak Road, Edgar, 715-297-6692, [email protected]

Kurt Gibbs (32) chair, 136301 Four Mile Rd., Marathon, 715-370-7435 (h), [email protected]

Tim Buttke (33)  231052 N. County Road O, Wausau, 715-845-1487 (h), 715-574-5655 (c), [email protected]

Gary Beastrom (34)  480 Kreutzer St., Athens, 715-257-7619 (h), 715-574-4709 (c), [email protected]

Jacob Langenhahn, (35)  225701 CTH B, Marathon, 715-581-6911 (c), [email protected]

Bruce Lamont (36)  153000 Morning Glory Lane, Wausau, 715-355-1190 (h), [email protected]

Allen Opall (37)  150250 Thunderbird Lane, Wausau, 715-845-5618 (h), [email protected]

Jonathan Fischer (38)  6205 Stettin Dr., Wausau, 2502 Burek Ave., Wausau, 814-598-0795 [email protected]

Federal & State Elected Officials

Marathon, Lincoln and Portage counties

U.S. Congress

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D) 

202-224-5653 Washington, D.C.

800-247-5645 Milwaukee office

800-264-5338 Madison office

608-796-0045 La Crosse office


U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R) 

202-224-5323 Washington, D.C.

920-230-7250 Oshkosh district office

414-276-7282 Milwaukee office


7th Congressional Dist. U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wausau) 

202-225-3365 Washington, D.C.

715-298-9344, Wausau office, 208 Grand Ave.


Resigning Sept. 23

3rd Congressional Dist. U.S. Rep. Ron Kind (D-La Crosse) 

202-225-5506 Washington, D.C.

715-831-9214 Eau Claire office

608-782-2558 La Crosse office


Wisconsin Legislature

29th Dist. Senator Jerry Petrowski (R) 

720 N. 136th Ave., Marathon, 54448

715-845-6193, Madison 608-266-2502

[email protected]

12th Dist. Senator Mary Felzkowski (R) 

W4587 Hwy S, Apt. A, Irma, WI 54442

Madison 608-266-2509

[email protected]

24th Dist. Senator Robert Testin (R) 

5369 Fairview Drive, Stevens Point, 54482

Madison 608-266-3123

[email protected]

85th Assembly Dist. Rep. Patrick Snyder (R) 

129 East Charles Street, Schofield, 54476

Madison 888-266-0654

[email protected]

86th Assembly Dist. John Spiros (R) 

1406 Fillmore St., Marshfield, 54449

Madison 888-534-0086

[email protected]

35th Assembly Dist. Rep. Calvin Callahan (R) 

N11910 County Rd. CC, Tomahawk, WI 54487

Madison 888-534-0035

[email protected]

69th Assembly Dist. Rep. Bob Kulp (R) 

C4098 Pauline Lane, Stratford, 54484

Madison 888-534-0069

[email protected]

70th Assembly Dist. Rep. Nancy VanderMeer (R) 

18940 Eden Ave., Tomah, 54660

608-266-8366, Madison 888-534-0070

[email protected]

71st Assembly Dist. Rep. Katrina Shankland (D) 

5782 Sandpiper Drive, Stevens Point, 54482

Madison 608-267-9649, toll-free 888-534-0071

[email protected]

State Legislative Hot Line 800-362-9472 to check on bills, hearings, names of committee members, send a message to your lawmaker or request information. At legis.wisconsin.gov find legislator, email legislators’ aides, check on activities, specific bills and state laws.