(First published in the May 17, 2018 issue of City Pages)




Known for their improvisational performances and stellar songwriting, this six-piece from Minneapolis blends many genres. You’ll hear, reggae, rock, jazz and bluegrass—the diversity of their influences makes their sound exciting and fresh. Formed in 2012, these guys have played all over the greater Midwest. They’ve shared the stage with famed acts including Steven Tyler, Raw Oyster Cult, Samantha Fish, the Jerry Garcia Band and many more. 10 pm. 715-819-3663.

Get your garden on: Green Saturday



Mid-May is the time in Central Wisconsin when we plant our gardens, fill the flower pots and do all things green outside. And for many years local organizations have combined their events to make for one big Wausau-wide event with plant sales (most locally raised), workshops, events and more. The main day is Saturday, but some events start Thursday, Willow Springs’ festival runs through Sunday:

Plant Sale, Garden Flea Market & Workshops · Monk Botanical Gardens. Go, even if you’re just a casual gardener. There are tons of vendors including Chang Best Eggrolls, Grandview Orchard, Just Picked Flowers, Hosta Shop Gardens and many more. For the first time, Monk Gardens also offers workshops this day, free to members and $10 general. There’s limited space, so pre-registration is required: Common Weed Identification and Control at 9 am; Pruning 101 at 10:15 am; How to Identify, Plant and Care for Beautiful Ornamental Garden at 11:30 am; Make Your Garden Butterfly Friendly at 12:45 pm. The whole event runs 8 am-2 pm. To register and for more details visit Monkgardens.org.

Willow Springs Welcomes Spring · Sat.-Sun. 5/19-20,Willow Springs Garden, 4 miles north of Wausau. Their Round Barn Plant Sale features annuals, baskets and perennials for sale, plus an entire festival weekend for all ages with displays about flowers, insects, honey, trees and gardening with a butterfly release, crafts, food, wreath making and more. Sat. 10 am-4 pm; Sun. 11 am-3 pm. willowspringsgarden.net, 715-675-1171.

North Central Wis. Master Gardener Volunteer’s Annual Plant Sale · Marathon Park Cattle Barns. Purchase perennials, annuals herbs, grasses, hostas, vegetables, tomato plants, natives and more with free children’s planting area. You can also pick up large compost bins ($55) and pails ($25). 7 am-noon. See Facebook for more details.

Wausau Area Garden Club Plant Sale · Thurs.-Sat. 5/17-19, Yawkey House. Club members sell annuals, perennials, herbs, gasses, hanging baskets and compost. 8 am-1 pm.

Wausau West FFA Plant Sale · Thurs.-Sat. 5/17-19, Wausau West Greenhouse. Marigolds, petunias, herbs, vegetables, more. Thurs.-Fri. 7 am-noon; Sat. 9 am-3 pm. 715-432-1841.

Stick Pony Rodeo



There’s good reason this event happens every year. It’s super fun and super cute. Kids ages 3–10 compete in contests using stick horses and other toy props all while dressed in western attire. The main rodeo begins at noon with a grand entry by the Wisconsin River Pro Rodeo Queen contestants, then the rodeo events begin: horse race, flag race, steer roping, calf tie, barrel racing, bull lassoing and a big boot race—all with adult help for the littlest buckaroos. At 11:30 am there’s a rodeo contest designed for children with special needs. Meanwhile, the whole family can enjoy a petting zoo, rodeo education, clowns, and games. No flip flops or sandals allowed. $4 per child per event, $25 per child for all seven events. 11:30 am-3:30 pm. Pre-registration at 715-675-1171, willowspringsgarden.net.

For more HIGHLIGHTS a full list of events happening in the Wausau area, pick up a City Pages or view our event listings here!