Regional organization conducting housing assessment; City hosting public forum

The North Central Regional Planning Commission is working on a housing assessment for the Wausau area, and residents can speak about it at a public hearing this week.

The assessment of the area will look at a number of aspects of housing, collecting data on demographics, housing and inventory trends, workforce housing analysis, municipal-level data and goals and strategies to address shortfalls. 

The city’s Affordable Housing Task Force will hold a meeting at 5 pm Wednesday. The public is encouraged to attend and provide comment, or attend just to learn more. 

Housing has been at the forefront of area conversations recently as market rate, luxury housing proposals have been popping up, especially in the downtown area. But some residents and elected officials have pointed out that the area also lacks affordable housing. The affordable task force made several recommendations around developing affordable housing, some of which were earmarked for ARPA dollars. 

Check out Wausau’s city website for more details on the meeting and its agenda.