Local government offices
City of Wausau
City Hall 407 Grant St., 715-261-6500, ci.wausau.wi.us
Clerk 715-261-6620, Toni Rayala
Treasurer 715-261-6640, Maryanne Groat
Assessor 715-261-6600, Richard Rubow
Police 715-261-7800 (non-emerg.) press 1 after hours. 515 Grand Ave., Jeff Hardel, police chief
Fire Department 715-261-7900 (non-emerg.). 606 E. Thomas St., Tracey Kujawa, fire chief
Municipal Court 715-261-6650, Judge Mark Sauer
Park, Recreation & Forestry 715-261-1550, 212 River Dr., Jamie Polley, director
Building & Electrical Inspections 715-261-6780, Bill Hebert, chief inspector and zoning administrator
Public Works & Utilities 715-261-6740, Eric Lindman, director of public works
Metro Ride (bus system) 715-842-9287, 420 Plumer St., Greg Seubert, director
Wausau Water Works 715-261-6530, Eric Lindman, director
Marathon County
Departments are located in the Courthouse, 500 Forest St., Wausau, unless otherwise noted
General Information 715-261-1000
County Administrator 715-261-1400, Brad Karger
Deputy Administrator 715-261-1400, Lance Leonhard
Aging & Disability Resource Center 1000 Lakeview Dr., Wausau, 715-261-6070, toll free 888-486-9545, adrc-cw.com. Jonette Arms, director • For seniors 60+, any adults with disabilities and their caregivers, family and friends. Information and assistance, nutrition and caregiver programs, benefit assistance, prevention & wellness programs.
Central Wisconsin Airport 200 CWA Dr. Ste. 201, Mosinee, 715-693-2147. Brian Grefe, manager
Circuit Court Judges (elected)
Jill Falstad (Branch 1), 715-261-1335
Greg Huber (2), 715-261-1350
LaMont Jacobson (3), 715-261-1360
Gregory Strasser (4), 715-261-1370
Mike Moran (5), 715-261-1381
Court commissioners
Sandra Marcus, 715-261-1380
Douglas Bauman, 715-261-1320
Calvin Dexter, 715-261-7012
Gary Olstad
Clerk of Courts (elected)
Shirley Lang, 715-261-1333
Civil cases, 715-261-1310
Criminal, 715-261-1270
Juvenile, 715-261-1265
Small claims, 715-261-1310
Traffic, 715-261-1270
Juries, 715-261-1314
Conservation, Planning, Zoning 715-261-6000, 210 River Dr., Wausau. Rebecca Frisch, director • Strategies to preserve natural and community resources. Also soil conservation and water quality, permits, enforces building/land ordinances, includes surveyor’s office.
Corporation Counsel 715-261-1140, Scott Corbett • Legal advice to county board, Social Services and Child Support, handles alcohol/drug and mental commitments.
County Clerk (elected) 715-261-1500, Nan Kottke • Chief elections official. Issues marriage licenses, declarations of domestic partnership, passports and direct seller permits. Property value data, maps and other info.
County Treasurer (elected) 715-261-1150, Audrey Jensen • Handles county money, property taxes, assessments, property tax records.
District Attorney (elected) 715-261-1111, Theresa Wetzseon • Prosecutes crimes and traffic violations committed in county.
Employee Resources 715-261-1451, Frank Matel, director • Assists departments in hiring, negotiations and personnel matters.
Employment and Training In the Jobs Center at 364 Grand Ave., 715-261-8700. Kristine Porter, director • No longer county-run, but with services privately provided by Forward Service Corp. Help with employment and W-2 administration.
Finance 715-261-1170, Kristi Palmer, finance director • Handles county financial data, debt management, benefits and investments.
Health 715-261-1900, 1000 Lakeview Dr., Ste. 100, Wausau. Joan Theurer, health officer • Stats, programs and coordination in public health, including chronic, communicable and sexually transmitted diseases, environmental health, prenatal care, immunizations, lead-poisoning, licensing, asbestos, radon, water tests, nuisance complaints.
Highway 715-261-1800, 1430 West St., Wausau. James Griesbach, commissioner • Maintains and constructs county roads, contracted to maintain state highways.
Medical Examiner 715-261-1199, Jessica Blahnik • Investigates untimely deaths or deaths where a doctor was not present.
Parks, Recreation, Forestry 715-261-1550, 212 River Dr., Wausau. Jamie Polley, director • Parks, forests, trails, adult and youth rec programs.
Public Library Headquarters at 300 N. First St., Wausau, 715-261-7200. Ralph Illick, director
Athens branch 715-257-7292, 221 Caroline St.
Edgar 715-352-3155, 224 S. Third Ave.
Hatley 715-446-3537, 435 Curtis Ave.
Marathon 715-443-2775, 515 Washington St.
Mosinee 715-693-2144, 123 Main St.
Rothschild 715-359-6208, 211 Grand Ave.
Spencer 715-659-3996, 105 Park St.
Stratford 715-687-4420, 400 N. Fourth Ave.
Register of Deeds (elected) 715-261-1470, Michael Sydow • Public records including births, marriages, deaths, deeds, mortgages, real estate, veterans discharges, incorporations, partnerships, survey maps & more.
Sheriff (elected) 715-261-1200, Scott Parks • Chad Billeb, chief deputy • Law enforcement, administers jail and juvenile detention facility.
Social Services 715-261-7500, 400 E. Thomas St., Wausau. Vicki Tylka, director • Protective services for children, foster and group home placements. Food stamps and medical assistance. Establishes paternity, helps enforce child support payments.
Solid Waste (Landfill) 715-446-3101, toll-free info line 877-270-3989, marathoncountysolidwaste.org, R18500 Hwy. 29, Ringle. Meleesa Johnson director, David Hagenbucher site manager • Recycling, special waste management options, waste reduction and environmental education; hazardous waste disposal services for residents, farmers and businesses, operates the county landfill.
Special Education 715-261-1980, 1200 Lakeview Dr., Ste. 350, Wausau. Kelly Kapitz, administrator
Veterans Services 715-261-1141, 212 River Dr., Wausau. Scott Berger, service officer • Liaison between agencies and the veteran. Assists with pensions, compensation, benefits, schooling, medical treatment, insurance, records, burial benefits, etc.
University of Wisconsin-Extension 715-261-1230, 212 River Dr., Wausau
City of Schofield
City Hall 200 Park St., 715-359-5230, cityofschofield.org
Clerk Lisa Quinn
Public Works Mark Thuot, 715-571-7893
Village of Kronenwetter
Municipal Center 1582 Kronenwetter Dr., kronenwetter.org, 715-693-4200 (most depts.)
Administrator Richard Downey, ext. 102
Parks Christopher Johnson, ext. 112
Water & Sewer Sheila Mackoway, 715-693-5732
Public Works Christopher Johnson, ext. 112
Community Development/Zoning Randy Fifrick, ext. 113
Building Inspection Emily Wheaton, ext. 107
Clerk Cindy Falkowski, ext. 111
Treasurer Emily Ley, ext. 105
Assessor Associated Appraisals Consultants, 800-721-4157
Police Chief Terry McHugh, 715-693-4215 ext 117
Fire Chief Kristopher Grod, 715-693-4200, ext. 123
Village of Weston
Municipal Center 5500 Schofield Ave., westonwisconsin.org, 715-359-6114 (most depts.)
Administrator Keith Donner, acting
Clerk Sherry Weinkauf, 715-241-2626
Finance Director/Treasurer Jessica Trautman, 715-241-2605
Village Administrator Keith Donner, 715-241-6114
Public Works Director Michael Wodalski, 715-241-2636
Parks Shawn Osterbrink,715-359-9988
Water & Sewer Utility 715-359-2876, 5500 Schofield Ave. (24 hours)
Inspections Scott Tatro, 715-359-6114
Planning and Development Jennifer Higgins, director, 715-241-2638
Town of Weston
Town Hall 5209 Mesker St., 715-241-8209, open by appointment only.
City of Mosinee
City Hall 225 Main St., 715-693-2275, mosinee.wi.us
City Administrator Jeff Gates
Clerk/Treasurer Bruce Jamroz
Police 715-693-2000 (non-emerg.), Chief Ken Muelling
Public Works Kevin Breit, 715-693-3840
Town of Rib Mountain
Town Hall 3700 N. Mountain Rd., 715-842-0983 (most depts.), townofribmountain.org
Administrator Gaylene Rhoden
Clerk Joanne Ruechel
Finance Director Nicole Dunbar
Sanitary District 5703 Lilac Ave., 715-359-6177
Comm. Development/Zoning Administrator Steve Kunst
Building Inspector Paul Kufahl
Streets and Parks Superintendent Scott Turner
Village of Rothschild
Municipal Center 211 Grand Ave., rothschildwi.com, 715-359-3660 (most depts.), info@rothschildwi.com
Administrator Gary Olsen
Clerk Elizabeth Felkner
Treasurer/Water Utility Clerk Sandra Balz
Administrative Assistant/Deputy Clerk Stacey Stepan
Building Inspector Mike Block
Police Chief Jeremy Hunt, 715-359-3879 (non-emerg.)
Public Works Timothy Vergara
AssessorAccurate, 800-770-3927
The scoop on local elections and results
Most seats for municipal offices are two-year terms. School board terms are three years. School board, village and city races are nonpartisan, with elections held the first Tuesday in April. Four-year county positions including sheriff and county clerk run as partisan seats, with elections in November.
On election day, see results posted as they come in at the Marathon County Election Results website.
Want to run for local office?
Nomination papers or declarations of candidacy are due by 5 pm Jan. 5, for April elections. Nomination papers can first be circulated Dec. 1.
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