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Letter to the editor: Choose the Wausau we want


Wausau Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor are reflective of the individual writers’ views and not necessarily of City Pages. Submit your own letter to the editor to Letters supporting political candidates now for office come with a fee.

Update: This letter to the editor has been updated with new lines Diny submitted to City Pages. The post had already been scheduled to run before Diny sent his revised version.

The Wausau that we want — It's up to us.

  • POTHOLES, they're everywhere, can we better prioritized funding?

  • What's up with the mall? Three years later, are you satisfied with the progress?

  • Wausau property taxes are high, debt is skyrocketing, are you concerned?

  • Bull Falls Brewery?  Have we learned some lessons? 

  • We paid $390,000 for West Side Battery (and L&S) property and sold it for $1.00.  We paid roughly $7 Million for Wausau Chemical, and recently sold the first parcel on East Wausau Ave by the river for $40,000, pennies on the dollar (approximate value $385,000).  Are you comfortable with the city's foray into the real estate business?  

  • How do we preserve the tax base?

  • When was the last time a large business was attracted to Wausau?  Does it matter?

  • Are we hiring the right key people at city hall who can redirect assets to your priorities? Your input should matter.

I'm on city council, former military and business leader, I'm still learning.  Now is the time to prime the pump with your input.  The city Capital and Improvements Process (CIP) is just getting under way and the 2024 budget process will start later this summer; as you ponder these and other nagging questions, consider contacting your city council member to give your voice to the process. Don't sit on good ideas, your tax dollars have earned you a seat at the table.  If you're sensing an urgency, your instincts are probably correct. 

Doug Diny

Wausau City Council, District 4

city council, doug diny, Letters to the Editor, Wausau, wausau letters to the editor


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