Tuesday, January 14, 2025

OPINION: Homeless aren’t being dealt with humanely


City Pages occasionally prints letters to the editor when there is room in the paper. Send any letters to brian.kowalski@mmclocal.com. Though there is no specific length requirement, letters have a better chance of running if they are between 250-400 words in length. Be advised that letters advocating for a specific candidate or national politics come with a charge per Multi-Media Channels’ policy.

The Truthspeak in Wausau is that the Homeless situation is being dealt with as best as possible, with all parties participating.

The options I have seen for the Homeless over the last few years are:

Drowning in the river.

Freezing to death in the park.

Hanging yourself.

Jumping from the Landmark.





Hot shot execution.


Sell yourself at a crackhouse.

Sell yourself at an apartment encampment.

We do not have effective rehab.

We do not have effective legislation to enforce mental health counselling/medication, or adequate facilities.

We do not have adequate shelter in terms of capacity, integrity, or separation of genders.

The city has a "make the Homeless uncomfortable attitude." Push them over the line to the next jurisdiction.


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