Therapeutic rebirth

(First published in the June 20, 2019 issue of City Pages)

Soul Healing Massage revamped with new services, including fertility therapy


Amy Kaiser revamped her massage business to include fertility therapy service.

It seems appropriate that if you want your massage business to go through a rebirth, the new service you’d promote is fertility therapy for couples trying to get pregnant. Amy Kaiser, whose Soul Healing Massage office is at 1907 Schofield Ave. in Weston, offers that new service now that she’s trained in Mercier Therapy, a physical manipulation technique used on a women’s pelvic area. She expects clients to come from greater distances than they have been in her first five years in the field. She’s the only one with Mercier training in the state.

Kaiser is ready for skeptics, too. She says she’d like to collaborate with practitioners of conventional medicine and that a couple with fertility issues could benefit from hers and conventional treatment. Of three women who have come to her so far with fertility issues, two are pregnant, she says.

Kaiser has been in the medical field for more than 20 years. She became a certified nursing assistant as a teen and later became a licensed practical nurse. Working in nursing homes was sending her on the path to burn-out, so she looked to do “something to actually help people heal rather than just push pills,” Kaiser says. That led to becoming a Reiki master eight years ago, learning the spiritual healing art that deals with energy blockages or imbalances in one’s body. Then five years ago she completed the training for massage therapy, and in spring of 2018 earned certification as a Mercier therapy practitioner.

Along the way, she learned about “access bars.” She describes the approach as a specialty where she works entirely on a person’s head and neck, applying various pressures to 32 points in that area of the body. It’s more subtle, she says, and can be used if Reiki is not working because of emotional wounds or trauma. “I know emotion and I know energy,” she says. Sometimes she senses a blockage and creating a safe space is a step toward resolving it. “I want people to release this and have a better life.”

She has come to believe that a good massage should involve more than back, neck and shoulders. “We should be doing the abdomen all the time and we don’t do it unless the patient asks for it.” Abdominal massage can help with gut pain, constipation and bowel or bladder issues, she says. Mercier therapy goes to the pelvic area, below the belly button. She usually schedules at least one conventional massage session before discussing energy work or Mercier therapy, which includes a complete health history. She says sometimes the Mercier therapist can stimulate a sluggish ovary and either start or increase the production of hormones than can lead to pregnancy.

She welcomes clients of all sorts and likes the variety. Looking forward, she would like her practice to evolve so that in five years the majority of clients come for abdominal, pelvic health, or fertility work. “That’s where my heart is,” she says. Amy Kaiser can be reached at Soul Healing at 715-972-3830.